Thursday, November 12, 2009

This is about a fortnight ago... People who I don't really know,
making rude comments....A random conversation between me and a***...
Now who's this a***??? she is friend of my friend whom i had met for
the first time today..
Here we are group of friends chilling out together...i took celmira to
feed her dinner...and..
A*** : does celmira eat properly?
Her son is 3 months older to celmira but looks much younger to her...
So she is worried about his eating habbits...
Me : oh yes... She eats properly.. I dont give her to munch in
between, so she has her dinner properly..
A*** : anyways even if you dont give celmira one time meal it will be
ok looking at her health..
Now I am shocked... How can someone be so rude!
Me: but celmira has always been healthy...
A*** : i think kids should not be fat at this age..
Now i m angry.. And i just walk out of there..
The reason why I remembered this incidence is because i will be
meeting her again tomorrow and i dont know how should i react to this
rude mannerless lady!!!
I guess I wanted to do this post because I really don't like to hear
those things. These type of comments stress me out and are
embarrassing and hurtful toward my daughter... I just don't get it -
maybe I've just lived a sheltered life surrounded by positive people?
Maybe my parents and the parents of my friends taught us right?But
there's just no excuse for rudeness...there is something wrong with
her basic education..I would love to know what provokes people to do
these things - to deliberately say something mean or nasty or hurtful
or just plain rude to someone...
Maybe I'm overly sensitive ... Especially towards my daughter..!.I
felt like I've been punched in the stomach. ..I am really confused as
to how should i react to her...

Monday, November 2, 2009

when good friends go...

There’s been a handful of times when I’ve had to cut people off intentionally for one reason or another...... Most of the time relationships fade naturally, people aren’t necessarily in your “friend” category anymore, but there’s no weirdness behind it either and you have good feelings toward them.... But then there’s times where you have to decide to cut off with people on purpose....It’s pretty easy to break-up with a casual friend.... Breaking-up with a good friend is much harder.... You invested a lot of time and effort into this person.... They know things about you that not everyone knows.... and you genuinely feel like something would be missing without this person in your life.....People change and sometimes it’s not for the better..... We all go through highs and lows and part of having good friends is being there for each other..... You accept your friends when they miserable and you try to help them and be there as you would want them to be there for you..... But sometimes people can be mean and there are just some things in friendship that are unacceptable..... As much as most of us wish we could exist in peace with the people in our lives, there will always be individuals we dislike..... Some simply rub us the wrong way while others do it deliberately....Hopefully no really good friends ever go out of my life...