Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Working women and babies....!!! how do they do it? and why? i understand if they need to do it, but if its by choice?.. working just after having a baby... yeah yeah i know... careers and gender equality and crap.... but if you want to be a career person... go ahead... just dont have a baby and then send it off to be raised by someone else... whats the point of having a child then?... just so you can fulfill your role as a woman in life... sheesh talk about gender roles! feminist crap and all... lets face reality... you cant do both.... i mean come on! if you are working 10 hours a day... what do you have left to give to your kids?.. (again women who have to and need to do both... my hats off to them for achieving what seems to be the impossible)... but when you dont need to work and its an option and you have a child and pass it on to some aya to raise... well thats just wrong!.. and if the career means so much well then just dont have the child!.. but come on! who are you trying to fool here?... in the end it doesnt matter who you convince that you are super mom and an feminist for achiveing that career and kids... what matters in the end is what happens to those kids... are they alone at home all day?... are they being raised by a stranger?... do they know who you are?... and when they grow up, are they going to be there for you?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Dubai...!!!...Fake and artificial...

It's my Third year in Dubai.... and I've already visited most malls, went to most of the parks, eaten at most of the restaurants, went barbeque along sea side,even been to " The BURJ AL ARAB !".... That's all you can do in Dubai! .... I remember living in Mumbai when there was so little time after work and studies...but the place is still unexplored even after 25 years of growing up there.... Well, that's the difference between an old historic city and a new artificial one.... Yes, artificial!... I can say it without any reservations.... Dubai has some of the most sophisticated building structures, greatest malls and most luxurious hotels but it lacks the soul!.. I'm just sick living in the A/C 24 hours per day and not being able to breath some clean fresh air.. This does affect me...! It's between 38 and 40 degrees in the shade here and there's so much humidity in the air that you never see the sky... You can barely distinguish where the sun is at noon... Going out of a building to get a taxi will make you sweat like a dog... let alone walking a few buildings to reach supermarket....! I'm looking forward to going back to Mumbai in a few months..... It may not be that idealistic place one would dream to live in.... but at least you can sleep with the windows open at night!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy birthday to me...

11 May 2009
Today is a very special day for me for a reason! IT’S MY BIRTHDAY.... IT’S MY BIRTHDAY....IT’S MY BIRTHDAY...I just turned 26..swear I’m getting old...It’s my birthday today so I thought I should enjoy with all my blog readers... I have recieved lots of mails and phone calls...,.. I am very thankful for the many blessings that Allah has given me and my family... I am very thankful for many things such as having a wonderful and loving husband,...sweet little daughter...they both love me unconditionally... and my real true friends who love me for who I am...I pray to allah that this year will be another greatest year of my life and the years to come... Thank you very much for all the greetings....

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My husband travels a lot......Well at least he has a job during this recession time !.... I would also like to say, "I miss him.....My purpose of this blog is to say thank you to my husband for working so hard, so that we can enjoy all luxuries.... :)....Working in the field of Consulting.. my husband has to travel A LOT! we are mainly based in Dubai... but he travels to Muscat, Istanbul,Qatar, pakistan, Mumbai, Egypt... and now he is off to Georgia for a week...and look at is our wedding aniversary of my relatives called up to wish me....she wished me and sarcastically added..." so you are alone today!...huuuhhh? Girl...did u really mean your wishes or were you pinching me hard there....she must be more alone than me so maybe hitting back at the world.!!!,. ..Anyways...For the most part, our situation works for us or we made it work??. ... Our time apart makes our time together even more precious and exciting. ... I like having alone time.... I like doing things my own, visiting friends, watching loads of TV, cooking whatever you like...well..for now i am enjoying this...but i do miss you Assad.. come soon...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My third wedding anniversary....

Happy Anniversary to my husband Assad!.... We're celebrating our Third wedding anniversary today...6th May....I wanted to thank you my wonderful hubby for being such a great husband who's loving, supportive, patient, and just an awesome person.... I can't imagine being married to anyone else, and I'm glad that we can share our lives together.... ye! It has been a blissful three years for us.... I just couldn’t believe that it has been that long though, because it seems like we just have met about a year ago!..To you ASSAD thank you! You are my world, and everything that I could ever ask for!!!....

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Proper blog posts to come soon by the way, I’ve plenty of material to write about, just not enough time to write it all.