Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Working women and babies....!!! how do they do it? and why? i understand if they need to do it, but if its by choice?.. working just after having a baby... yeah yeah i know... careers and gender equality and crap.... but if you want to be a career person... go ahead... just dont have a baby and then send it off to be raised by someone else... whats the point of having a child then?... just so you can fulfill your role as a woman in life... sheesh talk about gender roles! feminist crap and all... lets face reality... you cant do both.... i mean come on! if you are working 10 hours a day... what do you have left to give to your kids?.. (again women who have to and need to do both... my hats off to them for achieving what seems to be the impossible)... but when you dont need to work and its an option and you have a child and pass it on to some aya to raise... well thats just wrong!.. and if the career means so much well then just dont have the child!.. but come on! who are you trying to fool here?... in the end it doesnt matter who you convince that you are super mom and an feminist for achiveing that career and kids... what matters in the end is what happens to those kids... are they alone at home all day?... are they being raised by a stranger?... do they know who you are?... and when they grow up, are they going to be there for you?

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