Saturday, March 7, 2009

Are we funding terorrism..?

Hi Assad here..

Generally surfing... just read an article on Indiatimes, & asked Arshi 2 write a blog abt it, she said y don't u.. and thus its me here..

The link to the article is below:

Key extract:
"The moment a film is released in Mumbai, the 'D-Company' makes camera prints and sends them to Karachi or Kuala Lumpur where millions of DVDs are made and marketed across the world"

Infact the CD wala who comes to my building also confirmed that the CDs come from Pakistan & Malaysia, and I believe these are the same CDs which wld be available in Bombay streets as well.. Recently, we had started buying CDs rather than going to movie halls (as part of cost cutting in recession), but think we will wait for those CDs to be released officially, or maybe download for free, though illegal atleast better than funding terrorism..

Infact few years back, I was contemplating boycotting everything Pakistani, (wld apply to paki cab drivers as well now), as some part of everyones earnings always goes into charity or otherwise which would inturn fund terrorism which is so inherently built into the economy.. Well this maybe a little impractical & difficult, since dont have a car in Dubai.. But will definitely stop buying these pirated CDs..

What say you...???

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