Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Me blogging, thoughts wandering, smsing ppl..... and im struck by a thought.... the intensity of love ..... giving everything u have and expecting nothing in return. wiling to give up everything to be with the person and feel as if u are gaining the world. caring about the person beyond anyone or anything else...I love u Assad..
uhhh gtalk is is not working for some reason. i feel cut off from the world. i feel as if my day is not complete if i havent logged on to gtalk..... even if i dont chat to anyone, i need to be logged on at least. i guess its not so much talking to people, i mean if i want to do that i can call up a friend.... its more of just being around people i know and not necessarily talking.....and right now im in the mood to be around people and since im at home the only way i can do that is by logging on to gtalk.... WHICH IS NOT HAPPENING!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. he he.. what happened to your gtalk jaan..? shld have called me naa.. Love you.. Miss you all the while in muscat.. :-)
