Saturday, November 15, 2008

Its all about "I"

i associate memories with dresses, songs, situations and even ring tones. i dreamt there was a bomb blast close to my house.. i grew up in a place (Mumbai) where there are frequent bomb blasts and hence, the bomb blast dream
i would like to have a pet cat someday... i had two pet cats... One was thrown in a well by a cruel boy in my compund wen i was 10 yrs old....away in the year 1991 and the other was thrown out my home by my mother last year right after i got married.....he was 3 years old.i donate clothes quite often, but i still have too many clothes....i married the man who looked me in the eye and made me see my mistakes but loved me too much...i have become more religious and spiritual after marriage.i have 1 sister and i brother.... I am the eldest and I miss my brother and sister practically everyday....i can never give up eating fish or prawns. i have given up meat..i have not been able to finish Shantaram... Have been reading it since a long time....

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