Sunday, March 4, 2012

I loveee living in Dubai..

I have been living in Dubai for 5 yrs now and can say I lowwwe Dubai...I have my own reasons to love Dubai..Indian expat living in an Arab country..I can get ANYTHING delivered at any hour..night or especially.. Burger King and Ravi at 3 AM!! No problem! the azaan begins at 5 AM and can be heard in every corner of Dubai 5 times a day....I now say my own prayer for peace regularly..also Skype keeps me in touch with frndz n family back home and make it is easy now to participate and enjoy family drama from a distance.... in a matter of minutes,i can hear Arabic..English... Hindi..Tagalog.. Tamil... Sinhalese.. French..Italian..German, and some I can’t identify though..the joy of making frnds here..expats are bound together by the instinct to friendships are formed very quickly... My husband has a job and I dont go out to my energy level is quite high.. I am not at all nervous about not working and being just a homemaker.. Happily.. I have slipped into a daily rhythm that is fulfilling...

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