Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This is probably the most honest note I have ever posted on my Blog...This is one of those things that one writes in your private diary and wants nobody to read them...But I had this urge to blog about it...coz I had hidden it from myself for so long that I wanted to unhide it now not just from myself but everyone...Time has cleared my head about a lot of things, about myself....not the dark side of me..but Me....I am selfish-very selfish!.... I take more than I give... I am not Money Minded... I am a dependent person......... I am demanding in a relationship!... I end up controlling others lives.... I am rude and mean and hurt others to seek revenge!...I am short-tempered and hurt others with my words!....This is Me.... Sorry..... Not sorry for being me....but for how me would have hurt those who are with me...but there is someone who loves me inspite of all these...he does and I believe him....I wanted to be his wife and ended up being his best friend....Its nice to finally see things clearly...and this is not a self-pity post...just my first attempt to be honest to myself...no no this is not the effect of sach ka samna!!!..I dont intend to change myself after this coz I am not sure if I can and want to change any of it.....this is Me...take it or leave it....

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