Thursday, October 9, 2008

Just a thought

Just a morning i was sitting in joseph polyclinic waiting for my appointment with my doctor...i ended up having a conversation with a firang.....its funny how big a barrier language can be... even though all of us generally talk in english, all our studies are in english, im writing this blog in english. and we may not realise it but everyday conversation in english with an Indian is so different with an everyday conversation in english with a firang..... the english that we speak is filled with hindi-english normal conversation suddenly feels very very formal with a firang... when you are comfortable around soemone you automatically want to use informal language... which is a combo of english and hindi , and when you consciously have to make an effort not to speak anything other than becomes formal. and thats a huge barrier to become really close with is difficult to be friends with a firang... all the cultural differences that exist .... you can talk to them, spend time with them, have a good time even.... that doesnt mean that i cant be friends with these people. its just that they cant be my really close friends. and maybe that will never happen and maybe thats my own personal barrier. knowing that i wont be here for very long prevents me from wanting to become too close to anyone here. i guess i have to settle for having casual friends while im here.but i have so many great friends here already, and those are the friends that will stay friends forever.......

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