Monday, March 14, 2011

Dear World 2012...

I'm sure many of guys already know what's happening with our world right now. Need I say more.. I seriously hope for the best for the coming years. The belief tht world may end in 2012 is really getting to me... I didnt know it had a theory behind it. I usually try to not to watch on tv or read about our worlds natural disasters... Ignorant? Maybe... But also because I'm scared. Scared to see reality. Scared to know what's really happening. Scared that it'll one day be me.
But finally yesterday I got the guts to look at what's really happening. After looking at all the images of the situation in Japan I finally realised what I have...How much my family and friends would mean to me. How I should appreciate each and every moment of my life... Why am I crying because things never work out the way they do?..Comparative to the people who are suffering from such physical and mental trauma, my imperfections in life are nothing.
All these tragedies are making me have mixed feelings... We've come a long way... We're not perfect.. we're still learning.
So please spare us. God Bless everyone of us. Know that there are still people who care and believe....I still believe we have a future. 2012 is going to be a new beginning not an ending... I believe that we, human beings, are growing to be better people each day...I believe for the best for the years to come.